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The NIHR Central London Patient Safety Research Collaboration (PSRC) is guided by several governance boards that provide direction and management for our key objectives and deliverables.
UCLH-UCL Research and Innovation Committee
The Central London PSRC is accountable to the UCLH-UCL Research and Innovation Committee, which meets bi-monthly and reports directly to the UCLH Board. Chaired by a non-executive director from UCLH, this committee includes the Chair and CEO of UCLH, the UCL Vice Provost for Health, the UCL Pro-Vice Provost for Artificial Intelligence, and two patient governors. This diverse leadership ensures that our initiatives align with both clinical and academic priorities.
Executive Board
The Executive Board oversees the delivery of the PSRC strategy and is chaired by the PSRC Director. It includes the operations manager, theme leads, and leads for Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) and the SaferSPACE Academy. Each of our four themes holds monthly meetings to review project progress, while an annual meeting gathers all researchers to share ideas and celebrate our advancements.
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board plays a critical role in reviewing and providing feedback on the PSRC's academic strategy and progress. Chaired independently by Professor Mike Grocott, BRC Director at Southampton and NIHR Senior Investigator, this board meets three times a year. It consists of senior academics from the UK and abroad, as well as safety experts from industries outside of medicine, such as aviation and oil. This diverse expertise helps to challenge our strategies and expand our collaborative network.
NHS engagement panel
To ensure that SaferSPACE research remains relevant to the NHS and its diverse patient population, the NHS Engagement Panel meets three times a year, chaired by Dr. Chris Laing, CEO of UCL Partners. The panel includes clinical and academic representatives from our Academic Health Science Network, UCL Partners, and all seven English NHS regions, along with representatives from Wales, NHS England, NHS Improvement (NHSEI), and various professional bodies. The panel is supported by the PSRC Director, operations manager, and theme leads.
Patient and Public Advisory Group
Empowering patients and public advisors (PPAs) to actively participate in research is a key ambition of the PSRC. Each theme includes at least two PPAs, and we aim to convene these advisors twice a year for meetings that also incorporate educational opportunities.
SaferSPACE Academy
Research capacity building is facilitated through the SaferSPACE Academy. The Academy Board includes representatives from both students and the Executive Board, ensuring that our training and development initiatives meet the needs of emerging researchers.
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