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Dr Snehal Pinto Pereira

I am an Associate Professor in Population Health and Applied Statistics in the UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science. I am a statistical epidemiologist by training and currently hold an MRC Career Development Award. Prior to this, at the UCL Institute of Child Health, I examined lifetime influences on adiposity and physical activity trajectories, health consequences of these trajectories and, long-term effects of early-life adversity. I have a BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Sciences, MSc in Medical Statistics and PhD in Epidemiology. 

I have three broad and complementary research remits that address public health needs with demonstrable impact on national policy and practice. First, I am an MRC funded researcher leading work on obesity, physical activity strength and ageing. Second, I lead and contribute substantially to several projects trying to understand how specific child maltreatments are related, via certain pathways, to outcomes in adulthood. Third, I am heavily involved in the nationally funded Children & young people with Long Covid (CLoCk) study which aims to describe the clinical phenotype and prevalence of post-COVID symptoms in children and young people. My approach is underpinned by a strong methodological foundation that aims to make the best use of existing data resources. My activities, achievements and expertise have been recognised through grant funding, prestigious panel memberships and by providing evidence for SAGE during the COVID pandemic.

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