Safer Innovations
Theme 3 - Safer Innovations is led by Dr Steve Harris and Dr Yogini Jani.
This theme improves the scientific evidence on how to deliver safe patient care, and innovate to bring novel technologies which could improve safety and quality of care to the patient bedside.
Our first work-stream will deliver a Digital Patient Safety Laboratory, enabling us to undertake research into:
how we improve compliance with best practice when we know what safe care should look like; and
what constitutes safe care, where the answer is not already known.
​Although based within the electronic health record at UCLH, we will be able to invite researchers from other parts of the country to use this resource. This will form the basis of work which can then be translated across the NHS including in deprived or otherwise at risk areas.
​Our second work-stream will develop and evaluate new technologies to improve patient safety. The first is a new surgical technique being piloted in liver surgery. The second is use of wireless wearable devices (like fit-bits, or similar devices which have been developed for use in healthcare) to monitor patients, record their health data and then try to predict and prevent deterioration, both inside and outside the hospital.
Our third work-stream will undertake research both to improve the evidence and compliance with best practice across the NHS, not reliant on in-house digital technology, and will also develop patient safety interventions aimed specifically at patients who are at risk because they are more socially deprived, or have protected characteristics.